Where Words Meet Addiction: Part 2
By Anna Joranger: Continued from Part 1. …How can writing and art help empower young women recovering from addiction? This question proved crucial to the combined mission of Urban Gateways […]
By Anna Joranger: Continued from Part 1. …How can writing and art help empower young women recovering from addiction? This question proved crucial to the combined mission of Urban Gateways […]
The following article by Anna Joranger will be presented in four parts, each Thursday through July. Italicized portions of the article represent writing excerpts from anonymous participants in this Urban
By Jamie Kostecki Still have a “Case of the Mondays” on a Tuesday? Looking to turn that frown upside-down? Well, I have the perfect solution, let me tell you! Teaching
Calling all enthusiastic supporters (and we know you’re out there): Are you a photographer? Videographer? Educator? All or a few of the above? We have an awesome photo/video volunteer project
Oh, how we love our artists! They have truly been rocking the Urban Gateways world lately with their amazing documentation & eagerness to share, not to mention their always-awesome work
By Jamie Kostecki Okay, so how awesome is Urban Gateways artist Judy Petacque? Not only is she a great teaching artist, but she also put together this super creative scrapbook
We’ve had a seriously fantastic first year at EPIC Academy – amazing students, staff, teaching artists, the whole deal! We had a chat with Resource Coordinator Kelly Christiel here, and
By Sherre Cullen, Urban Gateways Director of Development Sonja Henderson, long-time Urban Gateways Teaching Artist, showcased the work of her students at Gallery 37 at a reception on May 24.
By Anna Joranger On Thursday, May 31, Fairfield Academy students traveled to the River North offices of law firm Jenner & Block, corporate sponsor of the school’s Urban Gateways arts
At the end of May, EPIC Academy high school students performed percussion, spoken word, theater, and dance pieces from their after-school arts programs during a festive culminating event at the