Voice of Dance

Touring Performance • Dance

Celebrating unique individual voices and finding harmony in collaboration, DanceWorks Chicago’s Voice of Dance program welcomes everybody from the first-time dance audience member to the experienced viewer.

Under the inspired leadership of Co-founder and Artistic Director Julie Nakagawa, DanceWorks Chicago‘s family of six exceptional dancers brings integrity, passion, and excellence to performances. Through Voice of Dance, Team DWC demonstrates its belief that the inclusion of different perspectives and ideas will unearth a standard of creativity and innovation that cannot be achieved by one. #commUNITY

DWC Artistic Director Julie Nakagawa serves as an emcee, introducing each dance. With an emphasis on finding and sharing one’s voice, the six diverse professional dancers of DanceWorks Chicago interpret an engaging repertoire with their highly personal approach to using movement as a language. Each presentation will encourage multiple points of connection with dance and the art of self-expression as well as include a chance for conversation with the dancers. DanceWorks Chicago will energize and inspire everyBODY.

Availability: Please Inquire

For all ages

Technical Requirements:

  • Private dressing room close to the stage (preferably not a student bathroom)
  • Floor cannot be concrete or tile, or floors that have concrete or tile foundations- please notify Urban Gateways of floor material
  • PA system able to run music from iPhone (with or without a dongle and/or Bluetooth capacity)
  • Clean, smooth, open space approximately 25’ deep by 30’ wide
  • One microphone (preferably wireless)
  • Access to electrical outlets
  • Two hour pre-show rehearsal time is requested for group warm-up and performance set-up. Please contact Urban Gateways if your school might be interested in having students observe this warm-up (ballet class)



The assembly was received with enthusiasm by a wide variety of students and faculty due to the variety in the musical selections within the performance. The Athletic Director was wowed by the athleticism and beauty of the music and movement even though he confessed that this was totally out of his realm of experience. It was a big "thumbs up"! Thanks for bringing such amazing artists into our schools.
Teacher, Chicago Christian High School
Base Price:
Audience Size:
350 maximum
Program Length:
40 minutes