Professional Development
Professional Development inspires educators and others who work with young people by providing them with tangible options for integrating creativity and the arts into youth-oriented spaces.
Professional Development programs are workshops with an arts-focused curriculum designed and led by one or more Teaching Artists; the theme or focus can be customized to support the school or organization’s goals. These programs are rooted in dance, music, new media, theater, and/or visual arts.
Though the themes and topics can be customized, Professional Development programs with Urban Gateways often address building educator capacity for arts integration in classrooms, and building skills around utilizing cultural arts as part of learning. In addition, as part of our trauma-informed approach, Urban Gateways offers Professional Development opportunities that focus on self-care and address the compassion fatigue often experienced by youth workers and educators in various settings.
We are now offering In-Person and Virtual Professional Development:
- In-Person Professional Development sessions are available for educators, youth workers, or administrators in schools or community-based settings; programs are available as a one-time session or a short series and are customizable in length.
- Virtual Professional Development is offered as a one-time experience or as a series of up to 4 sessions, with session length customizable for the partner. Formats include live via Zoom, pre-recorded video, live integration into existing virtual learning platforms (such as Google Meet), or a combination of these. Well-suited for educators, school administrators, and any other group working closely with young people.
*Please note in the comments if you prefer Virtual or In-Person programming and our staff will reach out to discuss.

Pictured: Urban Gateways Staff Member and Street Level Instructor James leading a Virtual Professional Development session via Zoom.