Parent Testimonial: The incredible impact of live performance

It’s almost Thanksgiving, and we are grateful for the opportunity to spread the inspiration of the arts to more Chicago-area youth with every passing year. To celebrate this inspiration, here’s a quote from a parent who worked with Urban Gateways to bring a touring performance by Chicago Dance Crash (“History of Dance From Ballet to Breakdancing”) to their child’s school. You can learn more about our touring performances HERE. Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving!

“I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with Chicago Dance Crash and that the performance was a tremendous success yesterday. The kids, staff and parents really loved it! Multiple parents have told me that their kids — who usually say ‘nothing happened at school today’ — came home talking about the show and the dancers and what they learned. Parents who didn’t even know their kids liked dance have recanted stories of impromptu dances on the sidewalks or at their dinner tables last night. The excitement from the morning’s performance seemed to last all day!

“I have to tell you, my favorite part of the performance came during the audience participation break dance battle. A kindergartner was called up on stage to be in one of the dance battle groups and he is a kid who is known to be a bit tough and to have some disciplinary issues. When his turn came to do his dance, he killed it. He walked off the stage with his head held a little higher, knowing that his classmates just saw him in a different, more positive light. This is one of those unquantifiable moments that reinforces the importance of all kinds of learning in school, particularly when it comes to the value of incorporating the arts into the school day. The look on his face as he bowed to the applause from the crowd was something I won’t forget.”

Pictured: Chicago Dance Crash