Chicago Dance Crash
Artist • Touring • Dance
Touring Performances
“Chicago Dance Crash is a solidly established ensemble that draws on a slew of styles, from pop (breakdance, hip hop, martial arts) to ballet, modern and jazz, impressively unifying them into a single aesthetic” –Chicago Sun-Times.
Lead by Artistic Director Jessica Deahr, Chicago Dance Crash is a contemporary dance company performing at home while touring nationally boasting an aesthetic that’s both unique and accessible, and manifests itself in a diverse array of programming opportunities that appeal to audiences of all ages, cultures, and income levels across Chicagoland. Ultimately, we want dance to change lives, and as such, we present dance that we believe is invigorating and accessible and that newcomers will be curious and motivated to see. Founded in 2002, our company has an aesthetic and creative vision that has evolved over the past decade into a style of performance and tone of production that awakens longtime concert dance patrons with something fresh and invigorating while appealing to the curiosity of the masses whose exposure to dance hasn’t grown beyond the latest reality- based network game show. This movement aesthetic and performance style is also channeled through an aggressive outreach program aimed at underserved areas of the Chicagoland community.
Our programming offers us the opportunity to enrich diverse audiences through our own work, while also lifting and promoting the community of dancers, choreographers, organizations, and companies with opportunities through our producing efforts. We cast a wide net in terms of age, race, and tax brackets with our programing, and our range in movement styles provides an appealing product to fans of classic, contemporary, and urban genres, as well as those unfamiliar with dance altogether.
“…entertaining, sophisticated in technique and ample evidence of this brash young outfit’s critical importance to our dance scene.” -Chicago Tribune
“I never ever got bored.” –Ada (7 years old)