“Colophon” comes from a Greek word meaning ‘a summit,’ ‘top,’ ‘finishing.’ It is a description of the details and methods behind a publication, often found on the last few pages of a book.


The Urban Gateways logo was set in Bryant. The body text of the site was set in Helvetica. Page titles were set in Nunito. The secondary navigation contains two font usages: the title is in Arvo and the navigation options are in Trebuchet MS. Artist testimonials make use of Georgia.


Neoteric Design originally designed and developed this site in 2008 in conjunction with the start of the Fall semester for many Urban Gateways schools. In the summer of 2012 Love Has No Logic Design Group rebuilt the site and made design changes throughout to better suit the needs of the current user base.


We used Illustrator, Photoshop, and Coda to create this site. The site runs on PHP. Content is maintained using Expression Engine. The site is authored using HTML5.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this site, please email Urban Gateways at info@urbangateways.org.